Many people struggle to find an elegant jewel to complement their casual outfit. The chances of overdoing jewelry when trying to match it with a casual outfit are always high because of the craving to stand out.
A jewel has to complement the occasion; for example, a party would go with a seductive piece. It has to be comfy and still be able to amplify your looks. You don’t have to be a fashion maven to spot a piece that ticks all the attributes. Just follow the tips here, and you’ll never have trouble selecting jewels for your casual outfits.
Mind the Occasion
What is a casual occasion? An informal event could extend from your usual backyard barbeque party to a bridal shower. Some people consider the church as casual, but it could fall in between casual and formal.
Every occasion has its limitations; for example, a barbeque party would call for simplicity, while a bachelorette blowout is the best time to explore.
Balance colors and style
Your outfit could easily outshine your jewelry, making it unnoticeable. Whether it is a watch, a ring, an earring or bracelets you intend to don, they should catch the eye. Meaning, when you’re putting on brighter outfits, your jewelry should be classy. It should not be glowing or too shiny but unique, or you could go for a color-changing jewel, like the blue heart shell. Visit De Sol for more information about it.
With a good jewelry store, you can always find an array of stylish jewels, to blend with any of your outfits.
Always Go for Comfort
When looking for a perfect fitting jewel, try going for a comfortable piece. You’re more likely to be more social with moods at the rooftop when on a precious jewel. Too heavy or too bright has never been a good idea. Go for sparkling when you want to highlight your face, but it might take attention away from your outfit.
Match patterned outfits with simple jewelry
Consider the design, material, and the type of your clothing when selecting a jewel. When putting on patterned clothes, avoid glowing ornaments, which can overdo your outfit, making you look hogwash. Instead, go for solid but seductive jewels. An exquisite ring or a designer watch will fit your patterned clothing.
Your intentions and your style come first
There is a reason we love specific jewels. And it is rare for people’s tastes to match unless you lack uniqueness. If you’re putting on an ornament to express yourself or showcase your personality, then even a jewel-expert won’t give you the perfect advice. If you love classic jewels that showcase your love for traditions, then find outfits that match the jewelry. For vintage ornaments, a simple cute T-shirt or jeans or plain-colored dresses can do to bring out the jewel.
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