How To Shop For Garnet Gemstones Earrings And Other Jewelry
Gemstones Earrings – As with all other gemstones, it can get tricky when shopping for gemstones earrings and other jewelry. You want to ensure you are getting your money’s worth and not getting scammed and taken advantage of. For anyone who is not a professional jeweler it can be incredibly difficult to tell authentic gemstones from others and can make the joy of shopping turn into nothing more than a big drag.
Garnet is the birthstone for January and is one of the most loved gemstones because of its gorgeous red color. Authentic garnet gemstones look expensive and regal, and work perfectly in pretty much all jewelry designs. From rings and earrings to necklaces and bracelets, the color and style of garnets is versatile and stunning. They can be worn with more casual outfits, but also easily dressed up and worn to special and regal events.

Keep in mind that there are different colors of garnet stones. There are even color changing stones, which actually go from one color to another. These tend to be the most valuable and therefore most expensive garnet stones, as they are the rarest. Garnets with the most value are in colors of purplish reds and blood reds with the least valuable a drab brownish color. Color is so important when shopping for any gemstones but garnet more than most others.
One of the most important tips is to watch for stones that are too red. This usually means they are fakes, as authentic garnet gemstones appear richer and deeper in color.
When shopping for gemstones earrings, make sure you always ask for a certificate of authenticity from the jeweler you are doing business with. If they are not willing or able to provide this you can pretty much bet that they are scam artists. Professional, reputable jewelers will always have this type of information on hand to ensure their customers complete satisfaction.
Clarity is another of the more important issues when shopping for any garnet jewelry. The more clarity a garnet has, or in other words, the fewer flaws the stone has, the more valuable it is. Typically, one cannot tell just by eye as to the number and depth of flaws in a gemstone and it must be magnified before a proper assessment can be made.
The cut of the stone is also important. The better a garnet stone is cut the more sparkle and shine it gets from light reflecting on it. These are what most people seek out in their jewelry designs because they are the most beautiful.Gemstones earrings with a good cut are really the cream of the crop but do not be surprised as the price goes up.
If you want a set of garnet earrings but are not willing to spend the hefty price of an authentic pair, there is always the option of going with a synthetic garnet stone. This is obviously not the same thing because you are getting imitation gemstones but as long as you know what you are paying for that is what matters.
The size is another factor in the pricing of pieces. Obviously the larger stones used in the earrings or other jewelry piece, the more expensive it will be.
These are all important things to remember if you are ever shopping for garnet jewelry. By making yourself more educated and informed, you will be more comfortable and enjoy your time more shopping for jewelry. The best thing you can do is bring a professional jewelry expert with you or at least someone who is in the business so they can be there by your side when you shop and ensure you get your money’s worth it. There are more than enough qualified and reputable jewelers out there but also just as many con artists who are only out to make a buck off unsuspecting customers. To help your chances and prevent getting scammed, take time to research the actual jewelry companies before going shopping. You want to do business with only the best and by reading reviews and checking with the Better Business Bureau, you can make sure of this.
Gemstones earrings are absolutely beautiful as is all garnet jewelry. Just be sure you find some you can afford and know what you are doing.
Tips for Buying Loose Gemstones
Gemstones are crystalline formations of naturally occurring minerals. Many of the gemstones that are most familiar to people today have been loved and treasured throughout history, such as rubies, emeralds, and sapphires. Newer varieties, such as tanzanite loose gemstones, have been gaining popularity for the last decade or so. There are over 40 very popular gems that are regularly collected and used in today’s jewelry designs. Buying loose gemstones for eventual inclusion in your jewelry treasures can be intimidating. How do you know you are really getting what you are paying for? With a little knowledge and understanding of the terms used to grade loose gemstones, you can shop with confidence! Read this to find out what you need to know before you shop.
Quality is King When Buying Loose Gemstones
The old adage “you get what you pay for” certainly applies to gemstones. You can buy an emerald for $10, and you can buy an emerald for $10,000. The difference will depend on the color, cut, clarity and carat weight of the stone. Learn the four C’s of gemstones before you shop: color, clarity, cut and carat so you will know what you are looking at. Generally the larger the carat weight, the more you will pay, and the better the color, the more you will pay, etc. Buy the best quality stones you can afford, and remember this general rule: smaller gemstones of higher quality will appreciate more in value than larger stones of low quality.
For colored gemstones, color is the most important factor. Bright, saturated, vivid colors are very desirable. Muted hues will usually be less expensive, even though they may still be very attractive. Different kinds of light will make a stone look different, so ask to see a stone in daylight, and muted light before buying. Clarity is the next most important factor when judging loose gemstones. Clear stones that have no visible flaws are of course the most desirable, and will be more expensive. Emeralds and red tourmaline almost always have visible inclusions, and will be very expensive if they are flawless. The cut of a gemstone doesn’t generally affect the value of a gemstone, but it can greatly affect how it looks, and therefore the perceived value of the gemstone. A good cut will help “light up” a stone, and one that is cut too deep and narrow will tend to look darker, with less light passing through it. Large gems are very rare, so generally the larger the stone, the more valuable it will be. Size in loose gemstones is measured in carat weight, or 1/5 of a gram. Gemstones vary in weight, and so a one carat emerald will not be the same size as a one carat sapphire, for example. Remember, carat refers to weight, not size.

Where You Buy Loose Gemstones is Important!
Make sure to shop with a quality jeweler or retailer who will answer your questions, and is willing to show you the appraisal or certificate for the stone. You should also be able to see different quality stones side by side for comparison. As mentioned above, you should look at the gemstone in several different types of light, and if you are discouraged from doing that, walk away. If you don’t see many gemstones in a store’s selection, they may not have a lot of interest in colored gemstones, and therefore not much knowledge of them. Be very wary of a retailer or jeweler who claims that any loose gemstones are worth more than they are charging. No one is going to sell you a valuable loose gemstone for a bargain basement price!
Remembering the 4 C’s of gemstones, color, clarity, cut, and carat, will help you to decide what loose gemstone will make it into you collection, and shopping with a reputable dealer or jeweler will also help ensure that you will end up with a quality loose gemstone at a fair price. Shopping for natural loose gemstones and emerald rings is different that shopping for costume jewelry or cubic zirconia rings – quality makes a huge difference in the pricing of gemstones.
Onyx Earrings: An Introduction
The scientific name for onyx is chalcedony quartz. The stone is a silicone dioxide, and it can be colored black, brown, reddish-brown, or red carnelian. Black onyx, which sometimes has bands of white running through it, is commonly incorporated in the design of elegant onyx earrings.
The stones are created when gas pockets form and dry in lava, solidifying into hard crystal shapes. The resulting raw onyx is usually polished before it is carved into a particular shape.
The white bands that run through black onyx are always parallel to each other. The black stones’ appearance makes them a popular choice, not only for earrings, but for carved figures and cameos as well. Once polished to a fine shine, cut stones have an absorbing appearance likened to that of staring into a still black pool.
The Spiritual Significance of Onyx Earrings
Those with a yen for the spiritual believe onyx gemstones are able to banish grief and release other negative emotions. Additionally, they protect the wearer from toxic or unhappy relationships while encouraging happiness, relaxation and creative inspiration.
With its association with healing, self-discipline and helping a person master their own fate; some people turn to the stone to help break bad habits. Moreover, onyx has been worn in relation to wisdom, good luck, happiness and self-confidence since ancient times. The healing and protective properties that come with wearing a pair of onyx earrings are supposed to enhance the ability to guide your own dreams, visions and mediation, while strengthening the heart and kidneys.
Face Shapes and Complementary Earring Styles
Onyx earrings come in a variety of styles. Choosing the style that best complements one’s face shape helps to bring out the best appearance from both earrings and the wearer:
A round face can appear less doughy when wearing earrings with angular shapes like squares, rectangles and triangles. Long, thin earrings complement even the roundest face while short, wide earrings emphasize a round face shape. As such, it is best to avoid earrings that echo this face shape.
A pair of truncated earrings can complement an oval face, which can appear elongated sometimes. Examples include studs, short hoops or bead bursts to keep the face from looking too long. The same can’t be said for long, solid earrings. A person with an oval face can pull off long earrings as long as the earrings’ shape is distinct, such as a crisp square or a sharp circle.
As with the round face, a person brings attention to a heart-shaped face when wearing gemstones earrings the same shape as the face. It’s best to avoid diamond-shaped, oval or pointed earrings. Instead, earrings that narrow the forehead and emphasize the chin, such as triangle or chandelier earrings shapes that are relatively bottom heavy are preferable.
The long and thin appearance of an angular, rectangle face can be made to look softer with curved lines, such as earrings shaped as wide hoops. The key is to step away from long, heavy earrings that pull the face down and draw attention away from the cheekbones.
Like a rectangle shaped face, the person can soften a square face by wearing earrings formed in a rounded shape. Angular shapes or anything with distinct corners is a no-no as they can make a square face look too rigid and heavy.
Caring For Your Earrings
Caring for a pair of onyx earrings is as simple as wiping them clean with a soft, moistened cloth. It is best to avoid ultrasonic cleaners, which can chip or scratch the gemstone. Onyx can be a porous gemstone, and absorb the chemicals in detergents, ammonia and plain soap. This can build up inside the stones, dulling the shine and even causing discoloration. The setting can be cleaned with a paste of baking soda and water, which should be wipes off with a soft damp cloth.
Onyx jewelry was once highly valued by the Romans, Greeks and Egyptians because it was so rare. Today though, things like onyx earrings are much more common, but no less treasured despite their lower value. The stones, especially the elegant black onyx, look good in both silver and gold jewelry settings, and are subtle and effective accents for other gemstones.
The Beauty Of Turquoise Earrings
Some of the most beautiful and refined jewelry in the world is made from turquoise, perhaps among the most exquisite of these pieces is the chandelier earring. There are various types and styles of jewelry cast with this mineral, but this particular earring shows best the delicacy with which the stones are molded and the artistic ability needed to design and create a beautiful piece of artwork from a simple, colored stone.
Over 2000 years ago, Native Americans found that hydrous copper aluminum phosphate, better known as turquoise, made both beautiful jewelry for trading and withstood elements well for use in cave paintings and mosaics. The oldest known mine on the North American continent is believed to be approximately two millenniums old and has been mined by Native Americans since its discovery in Sate Fe, New Mexico. The Cerrillos Mine, and what southwestern natives found there, is believed to be the beginning of a long standing tradition in jewelry and its beauty has been found up to 1400 miles from the mine in the Aztec city of Tenochtitlan, better known as the Aztec Rome. Archeologists believe that the beauty found in the Cerrillos mine was passed from tribe to tribe until artisans from not only southwest tribes but to tribes such as the Navajo, Zuni, Hopi and various others by the 1850′s.
Early on, the drilling of the beads for jewelry compilation was done with simple tools and the stones were molded by rubbing them against sandstone. Polishing of the stones was accomplished with coarse sand, clay, or in later years, leathers. After being shaped, polished, and drilled, the beads were strung on buckskin or sinew, and then rolled on sandstone slabs to coax the beads into the shape of a cylinder. Still some Natives American artisans use this method of hand rolling.
In or around the 1850′s, Native Americans began to see the “value” of turquoise jewelry as an item that could be sold or bartered to the “white man” for goods, weapons, or money. The pieces created for this purpose were of somewhat lesser quality than their tribal works but appeared to be more elegant as the beads were strung on thin silver ropes and imprinted with die stamps with emblems such as eagles, bows, Native symbols designed to better embody what “Indian jewelry” should look like. This early tourist jewelry was quite inexpensive but today it is considered to be rare and is a highly collectible item selling for large amounts to collectors.
The quality of turquoise is agreed upon and reached by jewelers in color, luster, hardness, rarity and matrix grading. However most artisans believe the quality of this stone to be subjective and believe that quality should be decided by the artisan and admirers or collectors. Typically, however a “good quality” stone can be defined as having a robin’s egg blue color, slightly pale, must be a very hard stone, have a high luster, and no matrix. Matrix refers to the volume of “mother rock” that can be seen through the turquoise color. Much of the quality of turquoise jewelry is decide upon by personal taste and, while experts agree upon a measure of quality, there are many that do not use this measurement.
While keeping these factors in mind and deciding what is the best quality for one’s own personal taste, the collector or casual consumer must beware of “fake” turquoise just as with any other gem or stone. Some minerals such as howlite can be made to look like turquoise and mimics its beauty quite well. Colored glass and plastic are among some of the most atrocious imposters as they are obviously not mineral based but can mirror the refinement and allure of the art beautifully as well.
Chandelier earrings are among the most delicate and intricate pieces of turquoise jewelry created by artisans. They reflect the beauty and heritage of the past and offer a look into future innovations. The tools with which the earrings are made and the dies in which they are cast are of course far more advanced than that of our native ancestors but the beauty and quality still hold fast and can be best seen in this particular piece of artwork.
A Symbol Of Love And Commitment, Aquamarine Earrings
March’s birthstone represents the serenity of the sea and the expanse of a light blue summer sky. Aquamarine earrings bring the sparkle and energy of the sea and the sky to the face when these are worn. After all, it is Aquamarine, the gemstone that represents wealth and happiness. This beautiful blue gem became March’s prize in 1912 and is valued by its color, cut, clarity and size.
These gems have been valued for centuries, both for their beauty and for the properties attributed to the jewels. Aquamarine protects the wearer from the sea. It is mentioned in Greek mythology as being worn by Greek soldiers for protection against the fury and wrath of the ferocious Sea Gods they faced in their dangerous journeys. The Jewelers Association of America released a list of jewels and corresponding months in 1912. This list was enthusiastically greeted worldwide and continues its popularity today. Many centuries ago, the common belief was that each stone protected the wearer during a certain month and the wearers had to have twelve stones. Back then, only the very rich could afford the jewels and only the very, very rich could afford twelve.
These stones are imported. This stone was first discovered in Madagascar. Now it is imported from Tanzania, Kenya, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Russia. During the process to bring the gem to life and turn it into Aquamarine earrings, heating is used to improve the blue color and make it more desirable (valuable). Once heated, the enhanced blue color stays.
These beautiful blue earrings frame the face like rays of sunlight sparkling off a warm blue sea. The clear, cool blue is artfully wrapped in a mounting of sterling silver, white gold or titanium, bringing the luster to life. Simple studs of sparkling blue water enhance the eyes and smile of the wearer. When combined with fire of diamonds and allowed to dangle, a lovely sway charms the viewer when the head moves. This color of Aquamarine earrings compliments almost any skin. These earring designs can be customized for a truly special gift or just the right creation chosen from the variety of designs and styles already assembled. There are single stones, multiple stones, studs, hoops, dangling chandeliers with recessed mounts displaying the beauty and coolness of the liquid water that twinkles and flows from the delicate earlobes of this lucky, chosen one. Among the many benefits contributed to this jewelry are feelings of good cheer, harmony, friendship and trust. A gift of this jewel to a loved one brings a happy and long union.
The colors of these Aquamarine earrings range from light blue to sky blue and even teal. These stones are super clear, without any mars. A buyer will check the cut, color, clarity and carat (size) of the stones before purchasing the gift. A good cut allows light to play with and off the gem, without dull or dark spots. Color is the most important part and is rated by the hue, the tone and the saturation. The hue is the basic primary color desired. The tone is a lightness or darkness of the color. The saturation is the purity and intensity of the stone. The stone should be rich, bright and vivid. Some stones are very clear and some are naturally not, aquamarine is very clear and has a high clarity rating. Carat is the weight of the stone; a carat equals 200 mg or .20 g.
When the lady receives the lovely Aquamarine earrings, she will treasure the gift forever. To preserve their radiant beauty, the earrings should be stored in jeweler’s paper or the gift box they came in. After each wearing, they should be gently wiped with a soft cotton cloth to remove the natural oils that accumulate. When dressing, these are the last bit of adornment, added after the hairspray and perfume has been used to protect them from the exposure to harmful chemicals. Fingerprints or dust can be removed by soaking the aquamarine earrings in a weak solution of gentle soap and warm water for a very short time, then rinsing and patting dry.
Aquamarine earrings are a great way to let a special someone know that they too are a treasure to be kept and cherished.
March’s birthstone represents the serenity of the sea and the expanse of a light blue summer sky. Aquamarine earrings bring the sparkle and energy of the sea and the sky to the face when these are worn. After all, it is Aquamarine, the gemstone that represents wealth and happiness. This beautiful blue gem became March’s prize in 1912 and is valued by its color, cut, clarity and size. These gems have been valued for centuries, both for their beauty and for the properties attributed to the jewels.
Aquamarine protects the wearer from the sea. It is mentioned in Greek mythology as being worn by Greek soldiers for protection against the fury and wrath of the ferocious Sea Gods they faced in their dangerous journeys.
The Jewelers Association of America released a list of jewels and corresponding months in 1912. This list was enthusiastically greeted worldwide and continues its popularity today.
Many centuries ago, the common belief was that each stone protected the wearer during a certain month and the wearers had to have twelve stones. Back then, only the very rich could afford the jewels and only the very, very rich could afford twelve. These stones are imported. This stone was first discovered in Madagascar. Now it is imported from Tanzania, Kenya, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Russia.
During the process to bring the gem to life and turn it into Aquamarine earrings, heating is used to improve the blue color and make it more desirable (valuable). Once heated, the enhanced blue color stays. These beautiful blue earrings frame the face like rays of sunlight sparkling off a warm blue sea. The clear, cool blue is artfully wrapped in a mounting of sterling silver, white gold or titanium, bringing the luster to life. Simple studs of sparkling blue water enhance the eyes and smile of the wearer. When combined with fire of diamonds and allowed to dangle, a lovely sway charms the viewer when the head moves. This color of Aquamarine earrings compliments almost any skin.
These earring designs can be customized for a truly special gift or just the right creation chosen from the variety of designs and styles already assembled. There are single stones, multiple stones, studs, hoops, dangling chandeliers with recessed mounts displaying the beauty and coolness of the liquid water that twinkles and flows from the delicate earlobes of this lucky, chosen one. Among the many benefits contributed to this jewelry are feelings of good cheer, harmony, friendship and trust. A gift of this jewel to a loved one brings a happy and long union.
The colors of these Aquamarine earrings range from light blue to sky blue and even teal. These stones are super clear, without any mars. A buyer will check the cut, color, clarity and carat (size) of the stones before purchasing the gift. A good cut allows light to play with and off the gem, without dull or dark spots. Color is the most important part and is rated by the hue, the tone and the saturation. The hue is the basic primary color desired. The tone is a lightness or darkness of the color. The saturation is the purity and intensity of the stone. The stone should be rich, bright and vivid. Some stones are very clear and some are naturally not, aquamarine is very clear and has a high clarity rating.
Carat is the weight of the stone; a carat equals 200 mg or .20 g. When the lady receives the lovely Aquamarine earrings, she will treasure the gift forever. To preserve their radiant beauty, the earrings should be stored in jeweler’s paper or the gift box they came in. After each wearing, they should be gently wiped with a soft cotton cloth to remove the natural oils that accumulate.
When dressing, these are the last bit of adornment, added after the hairspray and perfume has been used to protect them from the exposure to harmful chemicals. Fingerprints or dust can be removed by soaking the aquamarine earrings in a weak solution of gentle soap and warm water for a very short time, then rinsing and patting dry. Aquamarine earrings are a great way to let a special someone know that they too are a treasure to be kept and cherished.
Happy shopping!