Of the many different types of jewelry out there, few items are more eye-catching and evocative than statement rings. These are accessories whose purpose is to draw the eye, not to blend into an outfit or slip by unnoticed.

Naturally, the most common kinds of statement rings are actually also the most popular – engagement rings and wedding rings. These can be considered statement rings because they do just that – make a statement. Aside from looking good, these are items that say something about the wearer without the use of words, making clear their relationship status to all who may be interested.
Aside from wedding bands, rings have been used for centuries to denote wealth and power, with large, elaborate designs often involving high amounts of precious metals and a variety of gemstones. Some of the most expensive rings ever made have been bought and worn for the purpose of showing the influence and luxurious lifestyle of the wearer. This kind of jewelry is still very much in use today and is popular amongst the rich and famous across the world.
However, for those unable to spend millions on their jewelry, the most common kind of statement ring after the wedding band is the signet ring. Traditionally worn on the little finger, usually, only by men, the signet ring is recognizable by its large, flat face on which the wearer’s family crest will often be engraved. These days though, because not all that many families still use crests, people often have their initials or some other meaningful image engraved into the ring instead.