Emeralds, even at the time of Cleopatra, are highly sought after gemstones. Symbolizing wealth and beauty, they are commonly given as gifts to royalty. In some cultures, they are also given to one’s husband or wife since emeralds are believed to promise good luck and well-being. Today, we know emeralds as the birthstone for those born in May and as the anniversary gemstone for the 20th, 35th and 55th year of marriage. Because it is highly valued as a gemstone, even the rarest ones cost relatively higher than some diamonds. If you were clueless about what gift would be perfect for an engagement, wedding anniversary, or perhaps, even just a momentous milestone in a loved one’s life, Brazilian emerald rings may be just what you are looking for.

Emerald means “green stone” technically, and as such, it is traditionally associated with healing. Emeralds were a rarity, especially during the Middle Ages, and most supplies came from Egyptian mines. However, in the modern century, most commercial emeralds come from Colombia, Zambia, and Brazil. While Colombian emeralds are proclaimed the most beautiful because of their size and color, Brazilian emeralds are also a sight to see, especially with their abundance and evidently lighter color, which some say are akin to most green eyes.
A Brazilian emerald ring, being a symbol of luxury, comes in different styles. There are eye-like designs likened to smooth pebbles while there are sculpted ones similar to brilliantly cut diamonds. Jewelry designers would argue though that the square cut with beveled corners, or often termed “emerald cut” design, renders the emerald at its utmost beauty. Because of its deep glass color, it also complements both gold and silver. Some designers may use emeralds as the highlight of the ring, while others use it to accentuate the sides of eternity bands. Most commonly, they are paired with diamonds to provide contrast, producing one of the most beautiful combination pieces.

On the other hand, one has to be careful in choosing emerald rings. Because of its fragility, they are often prone to some fissures. One way jewelers remedy this is by emerald oiling, a treatment that improves the polished beauty of the gem. Because most gemstones start out as rough rocks, they need polishing and enhancement. Still, there are rare natural ones sold at collector item rates.
As rare gemstones that could top off even some diamonds, emerald rings are a must-see. They could be fit for an engagement or an anniversary, like the ones in history: the emerald rings of Anne Boleyn and Grace Kelly. They do not only provide a refreshing option from the usual diamond, but Brazilian emerald rings will also be surely delighted upon by elegant women who truly love to be different.
A Brief Introduction to the World of Emerald Rings
Emerald is a uniquely colored deep green precious gemstone that is highly revered by gemstone connoisseurs. There is simply no other gemstone close to the color of the emerald and the stones also have close connotations with royalty and opulence which makes the emerald rings all the more desirable. Emeralds are often treated with resins and oils to bring out the desirable deep green tones of the stones. This is not at all unusual and should not put you off purchasing an emerald ring, however, do check with your jeweler if you are at all concerned with the quality of your chosen piece. Emerald rings are a wonderful choice if you are looking for a striking piece of fine jewelry and the classic nature of the rings ensures that your chosen piece should never go out of style.

Emerald Rings For Special Occasions
When combined with precious metals, such as gold, and are accented by dazzling diamond detail, an emerald ring can be a truly stunning piece of fine jewelry worthy of any special occasion. Emeralds are the birthstone for May and an emerald ring would make a wonderful gift for a special birthday of an important person to you in this month. Or if your future fiancée is an admirer of emeralds, it may be an idea to choose a piece from the range of possible emerald engagement rings on the market. A good quality emerald ring is a worthy opponent to the traditional white diamond solitaire engagement ring if your intended loves the color in her jewelry and would like an engagement ring that is different from the masses. However, it is worth noting not to confuse emerald engagement rings with emerald cut engagement rings as emerald cut refers to the cut of a diamond. An emerald cut diamond ring is a cut of diamond which is similar to the cut of an emerald, usually rectangular with larger facets. The diamonds of this cut do not tend to sparkle as much as the more faceted princess or brilliant cuts, and so the emerald cut is thought to be more of a specialist or acquired taste as the more subtle fire is not prominent enough for most diamond admirers. The cut works so well with emeralds as the gemstones are not expected to sparkle as such, but to simply showcase the beauty and quality of the emerald stone. The vibrancy of the emerald is enough of a wow factor to attract purchasers, therefore, the level of sparkle is less of a concern.
In summary, emerald rings are a wonderful choice for those looking to purchase a piece of classical, elegant jewelry that will never go out of style. The opulence of the gemstones makes them ideal for use as offerings at special occasions such as an important birthday or as an engagement piece. Emerald rings are in a league of their own as fine, vibrant jewelry items and no collection is complete without the addition of one of these striking pieces.