Early Persians knew their history could not be manipulated if it was set on stone. I assume you are pretty aware that early Persians had made themselves quite sufficient for stone engravings. Still today, they are very fond of engraving on stones, and the method they use is one of a kind in the world.
For Iranian people, art has always been a reflection of virtue perfection, loyalty, knowledge, beliefs, and emotions. The art of carpet weaving is probably one of the best means that best portrays and displays those notions and emotions. The Iranian carpets have always gained national and international recognition being the source of inspiration for many other artworks.

In this article, we are going to introduce you to an old authentic artwork that has a lot in common with carpet weaving. The designs woven into the Persian carpet are unique and outstanding, inspired by nature and directly influenced by the beliefs and feelings of the weavers. Animal, trees, and spirals delicacy weaved into leave the different flowers like the headband paisley, and the peony has always been the dominant designs of the Persian carpet.
These forms and shapes have also been the main designs engraved on gemstones throughout the centuries making this art unique and mesmerizing. The art of engraving on gemstones is rooted in history. This artwork showcases the splendor of Persian art and culture and ancient Persian jewelry. Persian calligraphy is the central theme on each gem, which is decorated with illumination, otherwise known as tezhip. Tezhip commonly means applying beautiful floral designs to religious scientific and cultural arts.
This art is also applied to rugs, and as you can see, engravers have also made good use of it of the gems.
It might be quite interesting for you to know that the engraving on gemstones was not used for decorative purposes at first, as a matter of fact, it was quite functional. The Kings who ruled Persia during the Safavid dynasty, some four hundred and fifty years ago, engraved their names on the stones and used them as seal stones.
This design is known as Eslimi, and it is a fundamental element in Islamic art, which signifies the Islamic view of the world. The flow of files and gently sweeping curves are certainly a pleasing sight for the eyes.

Iranian engravers mostly engrave religious and holy words on the gems, and that’s because, throughout the centuries, spirituality has always been the dominant theme values and cherished by Iranians.
Engraving on gemstones is really tough, especially when it’s done delicately by hand. The artist is not just an engraver. He’s also a professional calligrapher who knows a lot about painting, miniature, illumination, and a whole of the techniques. The engraving process is significantly slow, and progress is measured in tenths of a millimeter. Every few seconds, the stone is cleaned as words gradually take shape, and details are added through all the cutting and grinding.
The techniques used in engraving in the past were mainly based on tools that had no electricity. The drill was moved on the stone with the hand. Nowadays, due to technological advances and new tools, micro-motors are used. First, the design is set on the stone as the main concept. Then the design is outlined. After that, depth and dimension are given to the design. Later, illumination is used and decorate the calligraphy. Details are further added, and then the stone is set on a ring or a necklace or other forms of Persian jewelry.
The job is done by the utmost precision, and that’s why it’s far superior to any laser or ultrasound engraving in terms of richness of detail and sharpness of contours. Today the art of engraving on gemstones has merged with newer forms and modern writing styles and techniques, yet it is still graceful and significant, celebrated, and cherished.
Shopping for the Persian jewelry

Jewelry comes in different styles, shapes, sizes, and colors. It is a mixture of metals and different precious gems and stones. There are many designs available in different jewelry shops that you can choose from. Although sometimes, there are specific design and style that you are looking for but unable to find them in your local stores. This problem can easily be solved by getting help from a jeweler who makes-high quality ancient Persian jewelry.
A good jeweler, someone like Alaligems can give the man some excellent advice on shopping for Persian rings. They offer high-quality ancient Persian jewelry. Click through here to see a huge range of fabulous Persian rings and get 20% Off grand opening special.